PRESS RELEASE: Support of SB50 and HB394

February 7, 2024 — The Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Maryland (APABA-MD) is writing in support of SB50 and HB394 in hopes of further advocating for equity and impartiality within the judicial and administrative process. Since our establishment as a non-profit organization in 2002, APABA-MD’s goals have included promoting the quality of legal service to the Asian Pacific American community, monitoring legislative, judicial, and administrative actions that may significantly impact the Asian Pacific American community, and strengthening equal opportunities to ensure equal participation and treatment to eliminate prejudice against Asian Pacific Americans.

We recognize that there has been a rise of hate crimes against the Asian Pacific American community as well as a long history of racism and public accommodations discrimination against Asian Americans. APABA-MD writes in support of these two bills because we are particularly interested in advocating for full access to the courts, which are both critical to protecting individuals and Asian Pacific Americans from further discrimination and enforcing equitable legal procedures, all in support of APABA-MD’s mission.  


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